Sunday, November 21, 2010

Where has November gone!?!?!?

Well gosh, what have we been up too? We started the month celebrating by 35th birthday. Dan and the big kids worked to bake me a cake. The big kids had a couple big school projects we worked on. Both of them ended up getting a picture of a turkey to disguise. They both made their turkeys Christmas Trees.

We have collected toys and made mothers' gift baskets to donate to Interact. We have collected shampoo, lotions and toothpaste to donate to a retirement community. We have cleaned out all our closets to give to others needing warm clothes this winter. If there is one thing I can leave the kids it is that we need to be grateful for all we have and give to others in need. I am thankful the big kids understand that this year.

Dylan continues to grow and say more things. He is learning his colors and shapes. His new words this week were rainbow and pineapple. He also said "good job Dylan" and "good job Jordan" one time this week. He continues to grow his own little personality and makes the cutest/meanest face when you tell him something he doesn't want to hear.

Jordan and Austin are both doing really well in school. Jordan just got an award for being on the A/B Honor Roll. Her teacher said she was doing great and she had no concerns. She did just get a recorder to practice on at home. I joked that they waited to cold weather and now she can't practice outside.. or she needs a thicker coat. ; ) We just went to Austin's teacher conference and he is doing great as well. He is testing at a 1st grade level after just 2 months in Kindergarten. His teacher said that he is the one everyone goes to when they have questions. He is trying really hard to read and can spell a good many words now. We are very proud but hope he doesn't get bored with the second half of school.

We are putting up our Christmas tree today and have Thanksgiving coming. We are looking forward to spending it with family.
Austin was very excited about cracking his first egg.

Helping make Mom's birthday cake.

Meet Running River- eventually got the right pillow case... I think we spent $20 until we finally got what we needed.

He definitely loves this outfit. He was running around this morning in his Indian garb.

Complete with ketchup all over his face

1 comment:

  1. As always, love reading and keeping up with you all. Andrew did that to a Turkey in Kindergarten and he disguised it as Santa Claus.

    Love to all,
